New York @ Angela Merici Catholic Church
917 Morris Avenue, Bronx, NY 10451
Na Aha Nna, Na Nwa, Na Muo Nso. Amen.
Welcome to Igbo Catholic Community
The Lord that Healeth Us
Don Moen, an American singer and pianist, beautifully rendered the biblical verse with such anointed tune that healing takes place in many forms when that song is intoned. “I am the Lord that healeth thee” is taken from book of Exodus15:26 which is part of the verse where the Lord declares: ''I shall never inflict on you any of the diseases that I inflicted on the Egyptians, for I am Yahweh your Healer”. This same God through the prophet Isaiah extols his people to be calm and fear not. Blessed assurance that the eyes of the blind will be opened, ears of the deaf cleared, the lame leap like a stag and the tongue of the mute will break into songs. He continues that streams will burst forth in the desert and rivers in the steppe, even the thirsty ground turn into springs of water. What a blessing! What a Promise. In the gospel Christ lived out that by putting his finger into the man's ears and spitting, touched his tongue, looked into heaven and declared/groaned: ‘Ephphatha' that is ‘be opened'!. Immediately his ears opened, his speech impediment was removed and he started to speak plainly. Praise be to Jesus. God does same for us in this day and will continue to open our ears, eyes, tongues and legs. He opens the spiritual channels for us to receive glory and grace. He heals our brokenness and removes the obstacles and impediments in our lives. God is a great healer. May his anointing for healing come upon us now and always we pray through Jesus Christ Amen
Happy Sunday!!
Our mission is to establish a thriving Catholic ethnic community for the Igbo Diaspora in New York. We seek to build a community that galvanizes and serves as a rallying point, a fountain of hope, and a forum for the worship of Almighty God in Igbo language and in accordance with the Roman Catholic faith. We envision a community that preserves and perpetuates the Igbo culture, language, social values, charity, and our Roman Catholic heritage through evangelization, catechesis, Bible studies, and advancement of Catholic principles and ideals.