Igbo Catholic Community
New York  @ Angela Merici  Catholic Church
917 Morris Avenue, Bronx, NY 10451
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Asusu Igbo 

Na Aha Nna, Na Nwa, Na Muo Nso. Amen.
Welcome to Igbo Catholic Community


​In his theological exposition, St. Paul contends that the "wisdom of this world is foolishness with God" (1Cor.3:19) and further he states that the "foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength" (1Cor.1:25) I guess this was one of the reasons Solomon in his royal status humbly asked for the gift of "wisdom” (hokmah) to enable him make wise decisions. He esteemed such wisdom more than scepters and thrones and priceless stone. Such wisdom is needed to be completely detached from some material and worldly attachments. It is not simply enough to mental keep the commandments and yet get hooked to mundane things unless we prove right Hesiod: "Acquisition means life to miserable mortals". We have to guard against attachment to anything or person at all means because "it is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else that prevents men from living freely and nobly." Betrand Russell. When we get too busy with work and other meetings, clubs, associations and organizations that we hardly have time to follow God or do more work for God, then we are virtually holding unto material or personal possessions and they form stumbling blocks on our road to true peace. "The essence of worldliness is exclusion of God" Jacobsen, Henry. Just do some personal introspection and see how consistent and sincere you are in this fellowship and discipleship with Christ. Is there anything in your life that you need some detachment and distancing?

Happy Sunday!!


Our mission is to establish a thriving Catholic ethnic community for the Igbo Diaspora in New York. We seek to build a community that galvanizes and serves as a rallying point, a fountain of hope, and a forum for the worship of Almighty God in Igbo language and in accordance with the Roman Catholic faith. We envision a community that preserves and perpetuates the Igbo culture, language, social values, charity, and our Roman Catholic heritage through evangelization, catechesis, Bible studies, and advancement of Catholic principles and ideals.